Monday, May 4, 2009

Some Positive Economic News (for once)

According to a Wall Street Journal article by Kejal Vyas from last week, the times, they are a'changin... and not in a bad way. Vyas writes: "With risk premiums on emerging market assets edging lower and with some investors coming back in the past several weeks, the mood at the Emerging Markets Trade Association's spring forum was mostly upbeat.
Emerging-market asset managers from some large Wall Street firms agreed Thursday that the worst may be behind us."

This is certainly encouraging news for those of us invested in the emerging market fund arena, and it gets even better: "Panelists also said they don't see the U.S. leading out of the global economic decline. They spoke highly of developing markets and their chances of outperforming developed economies namely because of aggressive interest rate cuts by central bankers, which have allowed them to stimulate growth."

For those of you who have been considering or even on the fence about getting involved with an EMF, now might be just the time to dip your toe... Stay tuned--my next few posts will recommend some companies worthy of your consideration as you invest in an EMF.

Come on in, the water's fine.

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